Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bad News!

Hey Everyone-
So the 4th of August I went to the hospital me and my mom and of course I felt so embarrsed because i could nearly cross the road on crutches and a lady had to go get me a wheelchair. When I got in there the lady at the desk told us it would be like a a hour wait, but hey it was only like five minutes we were so excited. The doctor came and was just saying stuff like when we fix it and stuff like that so I thought nothin of surgery. But when he said we will see when we can get you in for SURGERY! I about fell over and broke another leg! He left and here I was telling my mom "I WILL NOT HAVE SURGERY!!!!" He came back in and he is like tommorow at 6:30 a.m I was so scared. I was up all that night worrying about the surgery, my grandma and mom came to surgery with me because only 2 adults could come we were kinda mad about that but it was ok. When I got there they did the scale,uran sample,questions,and i had to change to the cutest doctors dress I was so happy about it...NOT! Then they did the iv it hurt so bad but hey I survived. Then all the doctors that were going to be in the surgery room came in and talked to me about what they were going to do. When I got in there it was soooo cold. I stepped on a stool got on the bed i scooted up and I was gone. After when I woke up they asked me what my grandma and moms name was and I said Nancy and Penny so they went out and called them she came back in and then said is there a Penny which is my grandma, my moms name is Natalie but I was so high on the medication I said Nancy. lol

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